Security Blogs Details

Fenced for Perimeter Protection

- by Arindam Bhadra

Securing a private or public building is a complex issue, right from any perimeter and entrance point to internal asset management. Instead, optimal security solutions can only be achieved by going back to basics, understanding individual environments and integrating security systems to achieve unique requirements.

The 2022 Crime Report from the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) shows that, in the past year, 89% of store staff faced abuse in their job, with 35,000 incidents of violence, 9% those resulting in personal injury.

The perimeter is the first line of defence. It inhibits and delays intruders. Unfortunately, history has taught us that even the most impenetrable perimeter can still be breached.

Therefore, sensitive sites should not be on the fence when it comes to investing in the right security technology for the right application. A genuinely intelligent system is key to a successful security solution.

Delaying the intruder is essential. If it takes a security team five minutes to deploy intervention, but the time to target is three minutes, then a security solution needs to create a delay of at least two minutes. If there are layers in place that take three minutes to penetrate, then the response team will have time to apprehend the perpetrators before they reach their target.

In terms of physical perimeter security, layers of technology should be applied starting with the outer perimeter, such as the fence line; the inner zone perimeter, such as specific buildings or key infrastructure; the building face perimeter, such as the external building shell; and finally, the internal perimeter, such as internal space where restricted access is necessary. Solutions within each layer should help delay, deter, and detect intrusion.

There are a wide range of technologies that make up an intelligent outer perimeter. To deter people from attempting to gain unauthorised access, a site can use signage or physical barriers. Sites requiring a more secure perimeter typically "harden" the physical barrier using high security palisade or welded mesh products. These barriers are designed to delay intruders and serve as a physical deterrent by preventing unauthorised access. Additionally, perimeter fences ensure the safety of the public - protecting people from entering sites where they may unwittingly expose themselves to risk, injury or even death.

However, while many businesses use gates, fencing, and other structures to keep intruders out, these only delay an intrusion. That is why highly secure sites should look to include elevated detection technologies such as monitored pulse, energised fences. A monitored pulse fence both deters and detects criminals or trespassers. A grid of energised wires is often enough to prevent someone from attempting to climb or break through the fence. Monitored pulse fences comply with international safety standards and are designed to deliver a short but safe shock and acts as a highly effective deterrent.

Additional technologies such as full integration with video management systems provides a visual record of events that can be viewed as a live stream and later used as evidence if required. Designing an effective perimeter security solution is a significantly more complex process than it appears at first glance. The consultant, architect, or engineer has many factors they need to consider in the process, including understanding the site requirements and environment, and selecting which technology or combination of technologies will have a direct impact on the success of the system.

For example, a highly secure yet discrete site, where the customer doesn't want to "advertise" what they do by way of a visually intimidating perimeter, may use discrete technologies such as buried sensors, laser curtains and microwave. The possible intrusion risks balanced against the requirements of the site will determine the type of sensors used - these risks can range from vandalism or protests by activists to criminal theft, espionage, and terrorism.

One of the main requirements from customers when it comes to an intelligent perimeter solution is a high probability of detection and low false alarm rate. For sites requiring higher levels of perimeter protection, like prisons, it is crucial that perimeter security is as sensitive to tampering on the fence line as possible to prevent and detect perimeter breaches. However, a highly sensitive fence line can be subject to false alarms due to factors such as disturbances from wildlife and environmental extremes.

In recent years, there has been a shift to intelligent, integrated perimeter solutions where detailed reporting and configuration can be carried out on the performance of the perimeter technology. While perimeter security is an organisation's first and arguably best, line of defence, integration with other technologies is key in effectively securing a site. Essentially, a security management system that brings everything together can provide a truly intelligent multi-layered perimeter solution.

An integrated approach provides the control room operator with all the information associated with an attempted attack to their fence line, ultimately assisting with faster response times. On top of that, cyber security threats are becoming a very real risk to perimeter protection and are forcing a rethink in how and what technologies are installed, with a shift towards more intelligent and integrated solutions. An end-to-end approach is vital. A cyber security vulnerability can occur along any of the communication channels, from the fence detector to the device that displays the alarm to the security guard.

Gallagher considers each communication link and device to assure the complete security of a perimeter protection system. Their security solutions are engineered to meet stringent standards that define how high security sites around the world should be protected and are backed by the implementation of government standards to validate their effectiveness. Gallagher undertakes internal and external penetration testing of their products to ensure they are hardened and secured to mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks.

During pandemic, Gallagher supplied perimeter security solutions to ensure protection. Gallagher's intelligent deterrent and detection technologies continue to be utilised across small to medium commercial and industrial facilities, right through to larger correctional, utility, and high-profile government sites.

(This "Security Blogs" Published in February 2023 Edition)