Women… Never Underestimate Them.
Neeta Pawani (Director),
Women’s Day Celebration 2020
Silent, Strong, Miss Nothing, Home Makers, Cooks, Child Bearers, Employees, Employers, Rulers, YetKind At Heart, Humble. No Adjectives Can define them. It is rightly said: The Hand That Rocks TheCradle Rules The World. Multi – Tasker is what a woman truly is. She knows how to keep a balance between Home and Work. Yet they never get their dues. They are always under rated and under a radar. Still they never complain but silently do their duties happily.
Likewise – I am one woman in a man's world related to I.T.
Yes. I Too had to Face Problems as often as any woman in any field. I still recollect the look I got and still get when I used to exhibit in an exhibition for years called COM IT. The top heads still give me a look what clearly states “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HERE FOR? You are a Woman and stay where you belong. At Home or at a fancy office doing non challenging jobs.”
They do not understand that I too have faced most challenges like them. Done What they all have done – WORK HARD. I know I have EARNED my name and reputation by hard work which I continue to do still with sincerity, dedication, commitment, and conviction. My company Innovative Krish Products Pvt. Ltd. Is the pioneer in SPY PRODUCTS in India. We are committed to fulfilling customer requirements and satisfaction for their customised needs of SPY or Security products. We offer a single call for support, as we make ourselves the bottom line in getting the problem resolved. Working together we have developed the following network that further enhances our "Total Solution" offering.
We Shall go to any lengths for the SAFETY and SECURITY Products used for safety and security itself of us and our surroundings.
WE LIVE BY ONE MOTTO: “If we do not have a solution today we shall definitely make one TOMORROW itself. We will leave no stone unturned.”
If We cannot MAKE IN INDIA, we shall import them for you. This shall prove that we sell at the BEST and Most competitive prices when you purchase them from our web site: www.krishproducts.com.
Our goal isn't to improve on what has been done before, but to totally re-imagine it. We Strive to make our products MORE innovative, with thoughtful SECURITY and IT experience. It is not only our expertise in the subject; but also our unique strategy, a desire to learn, to excel and a willingness to be BOLD that sets us apart.